U Group Page Title: Data Talks
U Group Data Talks: Groceries
U Group Data Talks: People buying groceries
U Group Data Talks: Person cooking
U Group Data Talks: Person with grocery bag
U Group Data Talks: Food delivery on phone

Behind every data point is a person. Engaging and listening to people gives greater meaning to the unseen and often complex human behaviours that decide data. When data talks, stories are told, and brands evolve.

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Real data.
Straight from the source

We connect you directly with the people that drive your data. This not only creates a trusted relationship, but ensures the information you receive is of the highest quality.

Verified responses

U Group Data Talks: Verified Responses Grid
U Group monogram
Our users surf the web, not panels. Our surveys are received and fulfilled by real people, meaning we’re able to identify and clarify real data. This ensures all the information you receive is free from bots, bias and fraud. No matter how large your target group is, you’ll have accurate, verified data.

Triggered surveys

U Group Triggered Surveys Example
Traditional surveys spend a large chunk of time screening participants. As we know our people, we use trigger surveys to target audiences to ask the more pointed questions. Brands can find out more about their product/s, or the motivations behind choices in real time, giving more accurate and timely feedback.

Brands we’ve brought closer to people

Let’s talk data